In January 2019, Blink Fitness unveiled their inaugural fitness app, revolutionizing the way their community experiences fitness. This foray into the digital realm marked a significant milestone for the brand, signaling their commitment to providing an enhanced fitness journey. Local marketing efforts, including impactful Out-of-Home (OOH) strategies, were key components of the launch, establishing a personalized connection with audiences in pivotal markets throughout the NYC Tri-State Area . This outreach was instrumental in solidifying Blink Fitness' presence and resonance within the community.

A comprehensive photoshoot, featuring genuine Blink Fitness members, was central to the brand's visual revitalization. This authentic approach not only refreshed the brand's look and feel but also reinforced their dedication to genuine representation. In my role as Art Director, I played a critical role in steering this transformation, overseeing creative direction and ensuring a seamless execution.

My role: Art Director / Lead Designer

Photo Art Direction

 Blink Mobile App


Verizon's Big Takeover


Blink Fitness Merch